Compelling stories welcome the last quarter of the year in the featured series of October 2024 Korean Dramas! Character-driven stories will be highlighted by the eagerly-awaited dramas of Han Suk Kyu, Kim Tae Ri, Kim So Yeon and more. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 | 2006 – 2009|...
Starring Hwang In Youp, Jung Chaeyeon, and Bae Hyun Sung, the series is set to premiere on October 9th. This youthful romance follows the story of three friends who have been inseparable for a decade. After a ten-year separation, they reunite as strangers, only to rediscover their deep connection. The...
Family By Choice is gearing up to captivate audiences with its heartwarming tale of a family that’s closer than blood. The upcoming JTBC drama stars Hwang In Youp, Jung Chaeyeon, Bae Hyun Sung, Choi Won Young, and Choi Moo Sung, who have already formed a strong bond during the script...
A sizzling lineup of K-dramas featuring top stars is coming this summer! Romance stories dominate August 2024 Korean dramas which feature anticipated small-screen returns of fan-favorite actors and actresses. A couple of thrilling series add to the already interesting roster. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 | 2006 –...
Gearing up for its launch, Family By Choice promises a rollercoaster of emotions! This JTBC romance tells the story of three young adults who were practically family for a decade. But then, life threw them curveballs, and they went their separate ways for another ten years. Now, fate reunites them,...
JTBC’s new series, A Prefabricated Family (tentative title), has unveiled a first look at its main cast. This youth romance follows three individuals who, though not related by blood, considered themselves family during their teenage years and reunite after a decade. The cast includes Hwang In Youp, Jung Chae Yeon,...