Exuding grace and beauty, Im Soo Hyang is perfectly in sync with her character in Woori The Virgin. Woori The Virgin is a romantic comedy-drama based on the hit American show Jane The Virgin. Accordingly, the Korean remake follows Oh Woo Ri (Im Soo Hyang) as she maintains her premarital...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2022 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...
Creative Leaders Group Eight has rounded up the lead cast for the Jane The Virgin Korean remake! Titled 오늘부터 우리는 From Today We (LT), it is a work based on the popular American rom-com TV show Jane The Virgin. Directed and written by Jung Jung Hwa, the series follows the eventful...