Netflix is preparing to launch viewers into a dazzling new era of K-romance with When the Stars Gossip, a groundbreaking series blending heartfelt emotions and interstellar adventures. Slated to premiere in 2025, this ambitious production stars Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, two of Korea’s most beloved actors, in...
tvN’s upcoming weekend drama is set to blast off into a cosmic adventure! When The Stars Gossip will take viewers on an intergalactic journey filled with humor, heart, and a whole lot of extraterrestrial intrigue. Written by Seo Sook-hyang and directed by Park Shin-woo, this exciting new series is Korea’s...
The promotions are up for the much-waited cosmic love tale in When The Stars Gossip. When The Stars Gossip, a space office drama, is the first of its kind in Korea. It takes place aboard a zero-gravity space station. The plot revolves around the life of Eve Kim, the station’s...
Prepare for a cosmic love story! tvN’s highly anticipated drama, When the Stars Gossip, is set to premiere on January 4, 2025! This interstellar romantic comedy will transport viewers to a futuristic space station, where a unique group of individuals will intertwine their lives amidst the vast expanse of the...
The highly anticipated drama starring Gong Hyo Jin and Lee Min Ho enters post-production with the goal of meeting domestic and foreign viewers this year. Ask The Stars is a romantic comedy in the backdrop of outer space starring Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin. Writer Seo Sook Hyang...
KeyEast Produced Drama Ask The Stars stirs curiosity with first-look photos featuring its lead pairing! 별들에게 물어봐 Ask The Stars is a romantic comedy in the backdrop of outer space starring Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin. Writer Seo Sook Hyang penned dramas Pasta and Don’t Dare To Dream. Notably,...
In 2015, The Producers endowed Korean drama and variety show fans with a refreshing tale perfect for a weekend binge! Configuring the characters’ stories to the roles sketched in the variety show world setting, created an interesting spin for The Producers. Having a powerhouse main cast makes it all the...
For K-Drama fans, yearning for extensions on well-loved Korean romance series featuring well-loved K-Drama couples is normal. We pass through stages of K-Drama-send-off-grief before we achieve closure. From creating our own alternate ending reveries to hunting behind-the-scenes videos; it is undoubtedly a struggle, but something that comes naturally when immersing...
Four K-Movies on Viu are set to gift spectacular film experiences for Viuers in June. Next month, hope you’re all set for fascinating treats for everyone to indulge. Award-winning and stellar actors banner new flicks that would surely engross. Kingmaker Streaming on Viu from 4 Jun Starring Sol Kyung Gu...
Gong Hyo Jin recently revealed that she is in a relationship with singer Kevin Oh. Gong Hyo Jin’s agency shares the actress’ plans regarding the future with marriage in mind. “If there is any good news, we will let you know.” Considering she has been in a relationship with singer...