At the Busan International Film Festival, Netflix revealed its 2025 Korean film lineup during the “Next on Netflix: 2025 Korean Films”. Reflecting on its involvement with Korean cinema, Netflix offered an exclusive look at seven upcoming films set for release next year. Vincent Taewon Kim, Netflix Korea’s Director of Content...
Netflix has announced a new youth romance film titled Love Untangled. Set in the nostalgic year of 1998, the film follows Park Se-ri, a high school student who has a lifelong frustration with her unruly curly hair. Determined to confess her feelings to the most popular student in school, she...
A high school April Fool’s prank unravels a thread of fate in this TVING series. A Week Before I Die tells the story of a twenty-four-year-old woman who lives aimlessly with no motivation for life. Then she meets her childhood friend and first love who appears as a Grim Reaper,...
TVING confirms new original series, A Week Before I Died, incorporating youth, fantasy and romance in the story. A Week Before I Die tells the story of a twenty-four-year-old woman who lives aimlessly with no motivation for life. Then she meets her childhood friend and first love who appears as...
Joining the bankable actor is a powerhouse cast including Heo Joon Ho, Ahn Gil Kang, Lee Bum Soo, Gong Myung, Choo Young Woo, and Jo Han Chul. Cha Seung Won and Lee Joon Hyuk also affirm special participation in the series. Based on the Naver webtoon Gwangjang, Mercy For None...
Welcome back Gong Myung! On December 14, 2021, Gong Myung enlisted as an active-duty soldier. He is back to continue his work as an actor after faithfully completing his military service for about 1 year and 6 months. Through his agency, the actor expresses his thoughts about his military service...
Bride of the Water God paints an attractive portrait intending to combine mythology and romance, but it falls short in synchronizing the fabricated elements and the lead characters’ love line. Bride of the Water God is an easy k-dramaland heartache for 2017 since viewers root for its artistic promise –...
Soaring sweetly with its lovable youthful characters, 20th Century Girl brims with familiar romantic youth experience. A devoted friend finds love blooming for the first time in her life. Sharing those new feelings in her youth, her first love leaves a mark on her heart. Marcie Line watched 20th Century...
Be Melodramatic bares a not-so-melodrama plot as it tells about relatable light stories among friends. Set in the broadcasting world, layered with an ample amount of women empowering messages, viewers can easily fall in love with the female leads of the series as they show unique personalities and interesting love...
Action-comedy movie Extreme Job can make you laugh while also thinking about the crime it focuses on! Catching a criminal with a lot of casualties, the narcotics squad unit headed by Captain Ko (Ryu Seung Ryong) is at the brink of disbandment. Chief Choi (Song Young Kyu) gives a tip...