The network has just announced its impressive slate of shows for the first half of 2025, featuring a diverse range of genres and a star-studded cast. JTBC Dramas 2025 features a lineup that includes diverse genres, from office dramas to romantic dramas to action thrillers. The upcoming dramas promise to...
JTBC’s highly anticipated drama, Good Boy, has unveiled a powerhouse cast that promises an action-packed and thrilling ride. Good Boy (directed by Shim Na-yeon, written by Lee Dae-il, and produced by SLL, Studio & New, and Drama House Studio) is a comic action investigative drama about medalists who become police...
A fun youth investigative series is up in JTBC’s upcoming series, Good Boy! To air in the second half of 2024, Good Boy traverses the story of medalists who became police officers as a special offer from their Olympics feat. Director Shim Na-yeon, who directed the dramas The Good Bad...