Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung are set to decorate the eagerly-awaited JTBC series, Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes...
After over five years of hiatus, Han Hye Jin is set to return as a radio DJ to JTBC’s new drama Sacred Divorce. The new JTBC law drama Sacred Divorce directed by Lee Jae Hoon and penned by Yoo Young Ah, is a work depicting the tumultuous story of Shin Sung-han...
Han Hye Jin could be secretly keeping and hiding a fountain of youth. Her newest profile photos released by her agency, Ace Factory, prove that claim. Her immutable beauty and charm does not even remotely show that she’s soon to hit her 40’s Truly, life is beginning for the versatile...