Get to know more about the main characters in upcoming KBS series, Face Me. Face Me is an upcoming medical drama premiering in November, centered on a skilled plastic surgeon and a passionate detective from the violent crimes unit who work together to uncover the truth behind crimes using reconstructive surgery....
The main leads of the new KBS series are looking good in their transformations for upcoming roles! Face Me is an upcoming medical drama premiering in November, centered on a skilled plastic surgeon and a passionate detective from the violent crimes unit who work together to uncover the truth behind crimes...
KBS2’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, Face Me, has officially kicked off, drawing attention with its unique and unprecedented blend of medical drama and crime thriller. Directed by Jo Rok-hwan and written by Hwang Ye-jin, the show revolves around a collaborative pursuit of justice, in which a coldly rational plastic surgeon and...
In an emotional roller coaster ride finale, our characters get closure along with happy endings. But before we reach said ending, we have some issues to address as well as a mini separation and time skip. The drama ties its plot points in a nice bow. But just like the...
Our male lead is faced with a hard choice: leave our heroine to protect her or stay by her side and watch her lose all she worked hard for. Will he follow his heart this time, or will he sacrifice his feelings and go back to that lonely life to...
Lee Min Ki and Han Ji Hyun are set to bring their talents together in the upcoming KBS drama, Face Me. This intriguing series will delve into the world of medicine and crime, exploring themes of healing, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships. Lee Yi Kyung and Jeon Bae...
We get some much-needed progress on the romance front only to end on a cliffhanger when the secret regarding our male lead’s birth gets out in the open. Between our leading lady getting caught in the middle of the two half-brothers’ fight or the fact that we don’t want them...
Spice Up Our Love, a highly anticipated spin-off of the popular Korean series No Gain No Love, is set to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on October 3. The romantic comedy, featuring a stellar cast led by Lee Sang Yi and...
Secrets are getting out in the open this week. Be it our part-timer turned new recruit’s connection to our heroine or the identity of the father who abandoned him in the past. At this point, everyone is connected one way or the other and I wonder what will happen once...
Our fake couple goes through the wedding without a glitch. And now, it is time to say goodbye. However, our male lead surprises our heroine with an expected comeback that gets him closer to her than before. Not that she is complaining about it. They might have spent a little...