Choi Kang Hee and Lee Re hyped anticipation in the released teasers of Hello? It’s Me! The female leads are seen staring at each other in pastel-colored posters while the first video trailer introduced their extraordinary situation. It preludes to the drama’s intention to comfort with self-healing messages. Based on...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2021 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...
Hello? It’s Me! announced the final roster of its main cast top-billed by Choi Kang Hee and Kim Young Kwang. A thought-provoking drama targeting women in their 30’s and 40’s would be one of KBS 2TV’s upcoming offerings in January 2021. To make it even more interesting it will involve...