The high-stakes clash between Park Hyung Sik and Heo Joon Ho is set to take center stage in SBS’s new Friday-Saturday drama, Buried Hearts premiering February 14. This riveting series promises a tale of relentless revenge, power struggles, and human ambition, with its lead characters squaring off in an intense game...
The teaser poster for the highly anticipated SBS Friday-Saturday drama Buried Hearts has been revealed, sparking excitement and curiosity among viewers. Set to premiere on February 14, Buried Hearts (written by Lee Myung-hee, directed by Jin Chang-gyu, and produced by Studio S, A2Z Entertainment, and Purumir Factory) is a gripping revenge...
The table read for SBS’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama Buried Hearts has generated considerable buzz, building anticipation ahead of its February 14, 2025, premiere. This intense political thriller follows a man who embarks on a life-altering journey of vengeance against a powerful, faceless enemy responsible for the murder of his father....
Joining the bankable actor is a powerhouse cast including Heo Joon Ho, Ahn Gil Kang, Lee Bum Soo, Gong Myung, Choo Young Woo, and Jo Han Chul. Cha Seung Won and Lee Joon Hyuk also affirm special participation in the series. Based on the Naver webtoon Gwangjang, Mercy For None...
Philippine K-Movie fans are in for a treat as the lauded South Korean film Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman is coming to cinemas nationwide! Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman starring an ensemble of A-list cast members namely, Gang Dong-won, Heo Joon-ho, Esom, Lee Dong-hwi and Kim Jong-soo will be...
Revealing intense action, Netflix series Bloodhounds released the main poster and first trailer which foreshadows uncanny chemistry from its committed actors. Bloodhounds is a story about two young people who step into the world of loan sharks in pursuit of money and get caught up in a web of much...
Marking his second Daesang since The Fiery Priest, Kim Nam Gil accepted an award for his winning performance for Through The Darkness at the SBS Drama Awards. It was relatively tough competition in the dramas that aired on SBS in 2022. Notably, romance and revenge-driven stories decorate the roster of...
Discovering another ghost village, the adorable soul-seeing duo of Missing: The Other Side 2 goes for new meaningful missions. Led by a young man, Wook and Pansuk solve a case with Jun-ho and Jong-ah involving a woman who has been missing for 20 years. abbyinhallyuland watches Missing: The Other Side...
Ahead of its launch date, the creative team and lead stars of Missing: The Other Side 2 held a media conference. Director Min Yeon-hong and actors Go Soo, Heo Joon Ho, Lee Jung Eun, Ahn So Hee, Kim Dong Hwi, and Ha Jun attended the event. Missing: The Other Side...
New and returning characters are set to greet the viewers when Missing: The Other Side 2 launches on December 19. To prepare the fans of the series, a character relationship diagram showing the relationship beyond life and death was unveiled by tvN Drama. Missing: The Other Side 2 threads on...