JTBC’s upcoming drama promises a poignant and evocative journey through the vibrant tapestry of 1980s South Korea. This coming-of-age melodrama delves into the intertwined lives of three individuals: Go Yeong-rye (Kim Da Mi), Seo Jong-hee (Shin Ye Eun), and Han Jae-pil (Heo Nam Joon), whose paths converge amidst the bustling...
Balancing sizzling romance and intriguing mystery, the drama treats us to an unforgettable watching experience, keeping us on the edge of our seats from start to finish with its addictive narrative. Though the ending might not have lived up to our expectations, there is no denying how well-crafted the rest...
The first stills of Yoo Yeon Seok, who is poised to take the lead in MBC’s highly anticipated 2024 drama When The Phone Rings, have been released, showcasing his compelling transformation into the youngest presidential spokesperson, Baek Sa-eon. Set to premiere in November, When The Phone Rings is a thrilling...
MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama, When The Phone Rings is one of the most anticipated shows of 2024, and the recent script reading has only heightened excitement, offering a sneak peek at the dynamic chemistry between the cast. Slated to premiere in November, this secret romance thriller is based on a popular...
K-Dramaland is set to be gripped by a riveting familial drama as veteran actor Kim Myung Min and rising star Heo Nam Joon share the screen in the upcoming series, Your Honor. The show promises a deep exploration of the intricate bond between a powerful crime boss and his equally...
Genie TV’s highly anticipated original drama Your Honor will premiere on August 12th at 10 PM KST. The series follows the intense confrontation between two fathers, played by veteran actors Son Hyun Joo and Kim Myung Min, who descend into darkness to protect their children. Your Honor has garnered significant...