Expertly construed friendship narratives abound in Thirty Nine. It was effortlessly portrayed to perfection by the featured characters. If K-Dramas about friendship and healing make you happy, you’re on the right spot! Fresh from K-Drama vault, here are similar Korean dramas you can indulge in similar to the story of...
2021 marks a new decade of Korean Dramas! A few days ago, I realized that 20 years’ worth of Korean dramas have taken small and significant moments of my life as a K-Drama fan. I’m not sure if I would still be a diligent fan after ten years. Hence, I...
Schedule a weekend binge for these adorable and heart-fluttering Korean romance dramas. K-drama fandom can all agree that a string of Korean romance dramas usually triggers the K-Drama addiction. The unique and imaginative plots deviate from the basic triumvirate plot of cops-lawyer-doctor TV shows. On that note, it is one...