Namgoong Min and Jeon Yeo Been embark on an irresistible romance in the upcoming SBS drama Our Movie, set to air in 2025. The melodrama tells the story of a film director struggling with the “sophomore jinx”—where initial success is followed by a steep decline—and a free-spirited aspiring actress with...
Yearning in its purest form created a love miracle in A Time Called You! A Time Called You is a story about Han Jun-hee who is still grieving the death of her boyfriend. Somehow, she manages to travel back in time to the year 1998 and finds herself in a...
K-Entertainment fans are in for a cinematic treat, as one of the most highly anticipated movies in South Korea will hit Philippine cinemas this October 4. Premiering out of competition at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Cobweb follows the story of a director in the 1970s haunted by the desire...
A Time Called You nears its premiere and here’s a roundup of the charming points to anticipate in the series! Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back to...
Rolling out more teasers, A Time Called You releases press stills ahead of the premiere. Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back to 1998 by fate and meets...
Traveling Between 1998 and 2023, the highly-anticipated Netflix time-slip series featuring Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeo Been drops new teasers. Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back...
From Behind Your Touch to Doona! A stellar lineup of K-Romance is all set only on Netflix! It’s official: Love and smiles have triumphed once again. The enchanting Korean Rom-com series King the Land has won over audiences worldwide, securing the top spot on Netflix’s Global Top 10 Non-English TV...
Mixing sci-fi, psychological issues, mass hysteria, and human relationships; Glitch is a slow-paced series with flaws but with meaningful lessons that make sense. The 10-episode journey revolves around the protagonist trying to find her ex-boyfriend which results in uncovering disturbing truths. Banal existence, adulthood, life choices, and alien obsession are...
Go for sci-fi, historical and romantic Korean dramas this month on Netflix! Freshly released on Netflix are dramas One The Woman and Through The Darkness. Make sure that you are in the loop on the roller-coaster and thrilling plot twists in Little Women. In case you missed the adorable small-town...
Aiming to provide nostalgia with an affectionate romance, Netflix affirms the lead cast of the Korean remake of Someday/One Day. Netflix series A Time Called You is a time-travel romance that follows Jun-hee, who has been missing her partner since he died a year ago. She is then dragged back to...