Previously, a highlight video containing the grand story of Love Song For Illusion was released, making prospective drama fans excited before the first broadcast. The series foreshadows the turbulent and heartbreaking story of a prince with two personalities and a concubine who is faced with an inevitable choice. Based on a webtoon...
KBS2 TV’s new series, Fantasy Sonata acquaints viewers with the four lead characters in their respective posters. Based on a webtoon of the same name, Fantasy Sonata blends fantasy, history, drama and romance as it traverses the story of a man with two conflicting personalities and the woman who loves...
Murders tangled in multiple arson cases hype up the first four episodes of The First Responders 2. Action-packed and emotionally intense, the series laments the loss of a well-loved character. abbyinhallyuland watches The First Responders 2 on Disney+ The First Responders 2 Opening Episodes Rating: *First Look covers episodes 1...
Hello, My Twenties! 2 maintained a gleeful second serving of fun-filled friendship and romance. The series sustains the feel-good vibe of sassy dorm sisters, who seize the days of their lives by chasing dreams and romance. Seasoned with love pairings that induce nostalgic memories of college romance, the girl-powered cast...
Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Jun and Gong Seung Yeon lead an ensemble cast to portray rescuers in The First Responders! The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in...