Jin Ki-joo is set to portray the role of Oh Soo-ah, a passionate temporary teacher, in MBC’s upcoming drama series Undercover High School. Scheduled to air in the first half of 2025, the drama revolves around Jung Hae-seong (played by Seo Kang Joon), an NIS agent who infiltrates a high...
Disney+ new series introduces the characters that will decorate the highly anticipated story. Headlined by Parasite star Song Kang Ho, and Byun Yo Han (Mr. Sunshine), Uncle Samsik is a societal drama set in 1960s Korea that follows an idealistic politician, and a mysterious political fixer called Uncle Samsik who...
Seamlessly thrilling viewers with its subtle but addicting enigma, My Perfect Stranger continuously serves plot surprises worth investing in. A news anchor and a publishing company editor got entangled and ended up being trapped in 1987. They need to work together to prevent a serial murder case that will impact...
Using clues and knowledge they have from the future, Hae-jun and Yoon-young caused a change in the course of time to save someone from her anticipated death. The two also come clean with their secrets in the latest episodes of My Perfect Stranger. abbyinhallyuland watches My Perfect Stranger on Viu...
Blending to the people of Woojung-ri, Hae-jun and Yoon-young set off to their respective missions in the 2nd week of My Perfect Stranger. But it seems the events are changing as a result of their interactions with people in the village abbyinhallyuland watches My Perfect Stranger on Viu Episode Recaps:01...
Every detail in the launch week of My Perfect Stranger is seamlessly connected to an engrossing extent. A news anchor and a publishing company editor got entangled and ended up being trapped in 1987. They need to work together to prevent a serial murder case that will impact them in...
To broadcast for the first time on May 1, Run Into You is a time-traveling narrative of a man and a woman trapped in 1987. My Perfect Stranger is a fantasy and mystery drama about two people who were trapped in 1987 with different but connected objectives. A man who...
Kim Dong Wook, Jin Ki Joo, Seo Ji Hye, and Lee Won Jung reveal the points to watch in the new KBS2 series Run Into You. My Perfect Stranger is a fantasy and mystery drama about two people who were trapped in 1987 with different but connected objectives. A man...
Jin Ki Joo will depict a high school girl and an office worker in KBS2’s upcoming series, My Perfect Stranger! My Perfect Stranger is a fantasy and mystery drama about two people who were trapped in 1987 with different but connected objectives. A man who wants to uncover the truth...
As soon as May begins, K-Drama fans can tune in to Run Into You! Run Into You is a fantasy and mystery drama about two people who were trapped in 1987 with different but connected objectives. A man who wants to uncover the truth behind a murder case and a...