Stunning character posters hype up the wait for the premiere of Gyeongseong Creature! Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous creatures that were born out of human greed. Set in the spring of 1945, in the city of Gyeongseong, the series is highly...
In the latest teasers of Gyeongseong Creature, Park Seo Jun and Han So Hee completely transform into the youth of 1946. The series also acquaints viewers with the main cast and first look at their characters. Set to deliver thrill and action, Gyeongseong Creature follows individuals going up against monstrous...
Joining the bankable actor is a powerhouse cast including Heo Joon Ho, Ahn Gil Kang, Lee Bum Soo, Gong Myung, Choo Young Woo, and Jo Han Chul. Cha Seung Won and Lee Joon Hyuk also affirm special participation in the series. Based on the Naver webtoon Gwangjang, Mercy For None...
Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun lead the table read of KBS2 Monday-Tuesday series, The Matchmakers! The Matchmakers is a comic melodrama about a struggling matchmaker. Set in the Joseon era, an old maid and an old bachelor work together in a grand wedding operation. In the drama, Hanyang’s most resentful man,...
Whether you are a fan of the lead stars and director of The Moon or a Korean film aficionado in general – this movie treat is just for you! Launching on August 16 in Philippine cinemas nationwide, The Moon traverses a thrilling and emotional space movie of how Korea’s first...
The villain plays with Team Karma in the 8th to 10th episodes of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper. Decrypting the elaborate maze designed by a genius Japanese maze expert, Dae-myung, Min-woo and the rest of the team face the mighty manpower of Chairman Kim. abbyinhallyuland watches Stealer: The Treasure Keeper on...
The Seven Joseon Coins take center stage in the latest developments in Stealer: The Treasure Keeper! Team Karma acquires the amazing tandem of Skunk and Ms. Lee as they race with Chairman Kim in securing the key to an immense wealth hidden somewhere. abbyinhallyuland watches Stealer: The Treasure Keeper on...
The race to secure the seven Joseon coins begin in the 2nd week of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper! Along with that, Team Karma is officially formed to fight the villain full of greed to retrieve the hidden treasure. abbyinhallyuland watches Stealer: The Treasure Keeper on Viu Episode Recaps: 01 &...
Fans of caper stories and people who love Korean history and cultural heritage will surely gravitate to Stealer: The Treasure Keeper. Brimming with energy, it also features a formidable villain well-matched to the competent hero. abbyinhallyuland watches Stealer: The Treasure Keeperon Viu Opening Week Rating: Stealer: The Treasure Keeper Opening...
The actors of Stealer: The Treasure Keeper have picked the keywords that perfectly match their characters. Caper comic action-drama Stealer: The Treasure Keeper tells the story of Hwang Dae-myung, a civil servant of the Cultural Heritage Administration Special Investigation Department, who secretly lives a double life as a powerful dark hero...