Disney+ is about to unleash The Tyrant, a heart-pounding chase thriller! We got a taste of the action with a killer poster featuring Ja-kyung (played by Jo Yoon Su), a steely-eyed techie tasked with stealing a super-soldier serum called the “Tyrant Program.” The poster hints at a crazy free-for-all as...
A deadly game of biowarfare is about to explode in The Tyrant, a brand new Korean series hitting Disney+ on August 14th. This high-stakes thriller throws us into a world where rogue Korean scientists cook up a super-virus, “The Tyrant Project,” aiming to make their nation a global powerhouse. But...
Starring Jo Yoon Su, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho, and Kim Kang Woo, the eagerly awaited series makes its global debut in 2024! When a game-changing bioenhancer is stolen during a secret handover between Korean and US intelligence agencies, both governments will have to work together and race to...