Ready to become parents in the neighborhood, Lee Yo Won and other cast members of Green Mothers’ Club share what to expect in their roles. JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, Green Mothers’ Club, follows the story of five mothers in an elementary school, where the atmosphere is fierce and competitive. In...
Different personalities of mothers are set to be shown when Green Mothers’ Club premieres on April 6! Green Mothers’ Club narrates the reality of the elementary school community and the network of parents in the neighborhood. Lee Yo Won, Choo Ja Hyun, Kim Gyu Ri, Jang Hye Jin, and Joo...
Donning uniforms the female leads of Green Mothers’ Club are set to meet the viewers on April 6. JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama will be broadcast for the first time on April 6. Green Mothers’ Club narrates the reality of the elementary school community and the network of parents in the...
Resembling the experience of hiking a mountain, Jirisan gave viewers a few moments of contemplation whether to endure the sedated arduous ascend of the story. At the end of it all, upon reaching the drama’s peak, it interestingly echoes the feeling of admiring the summit view, while savoring the drama...
Down the stretch, heartbreaks and concluding revelations surged in the ensuing chapters of Jirisan. Absolving Goo-young to be the mountain killer, Hyun-jo’s delving of the past connects to Yi-gang’s present mission. Yi-gang and Hyun-jo also poignantly reunite, but might be the last time they could do so. abbyinhallyuland watched Jirisan...
Lee Yo Won, Choo Ja Hyun, Kim Gyu Ri, Jang Hye Jin, and Joo Min Kyung form women synergy in Green Mothers Club. Another upcoming JTBC series, Green Mothers Club, finally finishes casting. The five actresses mentioned confirm to take the lead role for the series. Green Mothers Club highlights the friendship, kinship,...