This year’s highly-anticipated action-adventure mystery thriller Jirisan, an iQiyi original and exclusive K-drama series, has completed shooting! The star-studded series will be exclusively broadcast on iQiyi International ( & app) later this year. Directed by Lee Eung-bok (Mr. Sunshine) and written by Kim Eun-hee (Kingdom and Signal), the series completed...
Starring Gianna Jun, the special episode reveals the origins of the resurrection plant that triggered the avalanche of tragic events that swept through Joseon and a woman abandoned by all – Ashin. Netflix has released the main poster for Kingdom: Ashin of the North, a special episode of the Kingdom...
Kingdom: Ashin of the North readies the viewers to embark on another thrilling journey! Netflix has confirmed July 23rd as the release date of Kingdom: Ashin of the North, a special episode that will expand the horizons of the Kingdom series, a much loved Netflix Series created by Korean storytellers....
Actress Jun Ji Hyun clarified that the divorce and separation rumors with her husband are not true. In 2010, Jun Ji-Hyun married Choi Jun Hyuk who is known as the largest shareholder of Alpha Asset Management and the actress’s elementary classmate. Cultural Depot said “We will tell you about the...
It’s a jam-packed lineup for tvN dramas in the second stretch of 2021! Eagerly-awaited series plus small-screen returns of top actors are underway to please the ever-growing fandom. 11 new stories will be featured in this robust drama parade. Hospital Playlist 2 Kicking off the parade is the well-loved drama...
Weekends call for me-time, couple-time or family time. Why not spend it with these amazing romance movie treats on iQIYI?! From classic to contemporary stories, consider your movie date night with these free iQIYI film delights to be done. *Click the movie poster to go to the movie viewing link...
Set up a movie marathon with these memorable romantic Korean films that remain sweet and classy through the course of time! Korean romantic films are one of the reasons why Korean wave has been surging its popularity. Although dwindling in numbers in the recent years. The love stories captured in...
2016 Korean dramas highlight a plethora of superb series! Limitless and scintillating in showcasing varied stories, 2016 Korean Dramas is by far the most equally represented year in terms of genre. Interestingly, it was also a year of inventive storylines which also marked a few well-loved fantasy-romance stories. Also boasting...
Fantasy and reality are blended well in the narratives of 2013 Korean dramas. With character-driven plot predominantly present in 2013 Korean dramas, a few iconic K-Drama characters are also featured. Additionally, some classic favorites powered by top-tier actors also aired this season. *Note: The quick review entries are from my...
Kingdom: Ashin of the North definitely still counts as a Halloween treat from Netflix! The widely-loved Netflix zombie thriller is bringing in Jun Ji Hyun and Park Byung Eun to unravel mysteries in a special episode of Kingdom series. Kingdom: Ashin of the North is a sidequel from Kingdom season...