Duel delivers a mind-bending chase thriller with unwavering excitement and grit! Duel navigated a heightened quest of heroes who blindly trusted each other to achieve their personal goals of saving a loved one and remembering lost memories. Main Leads: Yang Se Jong | Jung Jae Young | Kim Jung Eun...
Newly-revealed drama stills for No One But A Madman highlights the “snapping” chemistry between Moon So Ri and Jung Jae Young. Showcasing the fierce survival in a workplace, No One But A Madman opens its doors on June 23. MBC’s new drama series follows the stories of middle-aged workers in a changing...
Never a dull moment with Baek Beom and the efficient cast of Partners for Justice 2! Establishing a reliable niche, Partners For Justice 2 strongly impelled another brilliant run with solid storytelling and characters. Unearthing the cryptic surprises of the cases with the series’ crime-busting team has always been a...
Partners for Justice excites its detective and courtroom stories with cohering and neat forensic science seasoning. Overwhelming viewers with tedious crime-busting activities that can either go in circles or hinder the characters’ growth is a prevalent challenge for crime-themed series. So you could only imagine how happy I was when...
Set up a movie marathon with these memorable romantic Korean films that remain sweet and classy through the course of time! Korean romantic films are one of the reasons why Korean wave has been surging its popularity. Although dwindling in numbers in the recent years. The love stories captured in...
Phenomenal workplace stories dominated the roster of 2019 Korean Dramas and character-driven series went home with runaway hits. Proving brave storylines yield favorable response, victorious 2019 Korean dramas had either courageous plot or peerless characters. My guideline for choosing the notable 2019 Korean Dramas are pretty much the basics: inventive...