Heads up, hopeless romantics and science enthusiasts! TV Chosun’s upcoming weekend drama DNA Lover is here to set your hearts aflutter and tickle your brain cells. Premiering on August 17th at 9:10 PM, DNA Lover promises a unique blend of romantic comedy and genetics. The story centers around Han So-jin...
Remarriage & Desires is a riveting look at wealthy families and their preferences in matrimony that is filled with vengeance, greed, and power! The 8-episode fast-paced revenge story of a divorcee against her ex-husband’s cunning mistress is full of drama and fire. It is a show that beautifully depicts how...
It was not easy, but still, a happy ending for Jung Rok and Yoon Seo. Love was definitely sweeter the second time (or in Dan Moon Hee’s case, the nth time) around. Jung Rok and Yoon Seo kissed and made up. Se Won and Yeo Reum were engaged. Lawyers Choi...
Following the premiere announcement, Remarriage and Desires introduce the lead cast through tantalizing teasers. In Remarriage and Desires, ambitious clients strive to marry into the highest echelon of society with the help of a matchmaking agency specializing in remarriages of elite singles. PD Kim Jung Min elaborates how the series...
Along with the released teaser poster, Netflix affirms the premiere of Remarriage and Desires on July 15! In Remarriage and Desires, ambitious clients strive to marry into the highest echelon of society with the help of a matchmaking agency specializing in remarriages of elite singles. Highlighted in the teaser is actress...