As the series wraps up its storyline, the last two episodes bring justice to past and present juvenile crimes. Likewise, the puzzle pieces of Judge Sim Eun Seok’s well-kept past are revealed. One stressful case after another is not enough. Judge Sim Eun Seok also had to deal with the...
Halfway through the series, Juvenile Justice drops hints for viewers to connect the cases that will unravel past wounds, schemes, and more ruthless crimes in the series’ plot. Judge Sim Eun Seok (Kim Hye Soo), Head Judge Kang Won Joong (Lee Sung Min), and Judge Cha Tae Jun (Kim Mu...
Soon after closing the child dismemberment case, a complicated domestic violence case lands on Judge Cha and Judge Sim’s tables. The plot thickens and the cast exhibit more daunting portrayals in the third episode of Juvenile Justice. As a new case emerges, Judge Cha and Judge Sim have to help...