Netflix has announced a new youth romance film titled Love Untangled. Set in the nostalgic year of 1998, the film follows Park Se-ri, a high school student who has a lifelong frustration with her unruly curly hair. Determined to confess her feelings to the most popular student in school, she...
This lifetime is not for Man Wol and Chan Seong to have but the hope that the next ones could be makes their love story endearing and more meaningful. Hotel del Luna dazzled, not only because of its great cast, but also due to its narrative and the characters’ interesting...
A few questions from the opening episodes of Cafe Minamdang were answered in its second week. The wacky characters that suit up to unconventional extra service for VVIPs taking the fortune-reading business of Cafe Minamdang are surely giving sufficient reasons to follow their journey. It won’t be long and Jae-hui...
Unconventionally presented, Cafe Minamdang felt all over the place in its opening week. But interestingly, everything about the series makes you want to anticipate more of its engagingly chaotic vibe. Moreover, its crime comedy setting adds palpable charm to its projected story powered by a lively cast. abbyinhallyuland watches Cafe...
Struggling with the messy placement of its fantasy premise, Tale of Fairy is a test of patience for viewers. Integrating supernatural flavors set in modern times, Tale of Fairy languidly reached its main message about the meaning of friendship and unrequited love. Main Leads: Moon Chae Won, Yoon Hyun Min...
Go Kyung Pyo, Kang Mina and Jung So Min made their anticipated special appearances in My Roommate is a Gumiho. As the romantic plot thickens in the audience adored series, Korean stars with connections to the stars and the production team extended their support with their quick and meaningful guesting....
Completing the main cast of When The Flowers Bloom I Think of The Moon are talented actors Byun Woo Seok and Kang Mina! KBS 2 TV’s forthcoming series threads on the story of alcohol prohibition in the late Joseon dynasty. Previously, it has announced Yoo Seung Ho and Lee Hyeri...