All set to open in Philippine Cinemas on September 20, Concrete Utopia unveils a character trailer giving more details to the story. Directed by Um Tae-hwa, Concrete Utopia is loosely based on Part 2 of the hit webtoon “Joyful Outcast” (“Pleasant Neighbors”) and stars an ensemble of A-list Korean actors...
Combining period drama and Western genre, Song of the Bandits promises to enthuse viewers with riveting action scenes. Song of the Bandits is an action-adventure series set in the tumultuous period of Japanese colonial rule over Korea about a group of people who, for various reasons, end up in the...
Highly-anticipated and hit South Korean films are heading to the Philippine cinemas this October! After bringing acclaimed big screen projects Decision To Leave and Emergency Declaration; powerhouse Philippine film distributor, Viva International Pictures, is rolling out three eagerly-awaited flicks to the big screen. K-Movie Spotlight: “Emergency Declaration” Echoes Heartfelt Narrative...
This month, K-Horror craze continues for international K-movie fans with good news from Urban Myths! Urban Myths has been pre-sold in 13 overseas countries, including Japan, Thailand, and Taiwan, and will be released in May. Released on April 27 in Korea, the overseas screening unfolds to cater to the raving...
Seoul Ghost Story confirms its cast of K-pop idols and promises to provide a terrifying horror movie on April 27! Seoul Horror Story aims to recreate ghost stories popular with the younger generation and enter the theater area equipped with new and colorful tales to scarily engross the viewers. In particular, Kim...
The movie centers on a woman who transformed into a big-time YouTube streamer and earns a lot of money by filming her desperate escapes. Playing the main character in Drive is Park Ju Hyun who recently worked in Netflix’s Extracurricular, Mouse, Zombie Detective and the fantasy-mystery movie Silence (2021). Her new...