Dwelling on the intense court battlefield, HYENA challenges the viewers’ perception and blurs established ideas of certain situations. Brimming with satisfying strife and spiraling events, HYENA keeps you on your toes as it keeps you surprised every single time! The legal series tells the story of two distinct lawyers who...
Eager to meet the man she likes, Cheong-ha becomes selected as the crown princess in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Scouting for the potential crown princess, Queen Hwa-ryeong favors Cheong-ha even though she is Minister Yoon’s eldest daughter. Despite also being Queen Dowager’s choice, Cheong-ha succeeds in being selected to marry...
Triumphing against treachery, Prince Seong-nam becomes the new crown prince in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Dropping her support for Prince Bo-geom, the Queen Dowager forces the prince to forfeit his participation. Through a live paternity test, rumors about Prince Seong-nam’s legitimacy as a royal are debunked. Marcie Line watched Under...
Empathetic as a mother, Queen Hwa-ryeong earns herself new allies in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. After the incident with Prince Sim-so, Consort Ko lets go of her ill feelings towards the Queen. Prince Seong-nam, Bo-geom, and Ui-seong progress toward the next level of the selection. Meanwhile, Consort Hwang gets demoted...
Creative in her methods, Queen Hwa-ryeong saves the Crown Princess and prevents other concubines from cheating in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. As part of her bigger plan, the Queen shifts the blame to the Crown Princess during the interrogation. The King and Queen now agree to hold a crown prince...
With the recent death of the Crown Prince, the King is pressured to choose his new successor in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Opposing the deposition of the Crown Prince, the King and Queen become devastated by the news of their son’s death. Court officials propose to select a new successor...
Protecting Prince Gye-seong and the Crown Prince from the rumors, Queen Hwa-ryeong takes matters into her hands in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Aware that Queen Dowager knows about Prince Gye-seong’s secret, the Queen sets the secret chamber on fire. Prince Seong-nam moves forward to the second exam tackling the solution...
Rain may pour down on Queen Im Hwa-ryeong, but nothing can stop her from protecting her sons in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Birthing a lot of sons with different concubines, highly driven mothers make the best of their sons who could possibly inherit the throne. Like tiger moms in the...
Go for sci-fi, historical and romantic Korean dramas this month on Netflix! Freshly released on Netflix are dramas One The Woman and Through The Darkness. Make sure that you are in the loop on the roller-coaster and thrilling plot twists in Little Women. In case you missed the adorable small-town...
For a drama set in the Joseon period, Under The Queen’s Umbrella is mounting superb modish promotion. Previously brandishing Kim Hye Soo in her double charm embodying grace and elegance; the recently unveiled posters spark more anticipation. Power emanates from her eyes as she is keen to reach a destination...