Stoic chaebol heir meets cheerful hotelier in the new JTBC series, King The Land! To launch in 2023, the series is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her job. Writer Chun Sung Il of the...
Teeming with love stories in varying genres, 2011 Korean Dramas are gifts specifically designed to hopeless romantics. An array of love stories are featured in 2011 Korean dramas that can pique the interest of even those who are not really drawn to saccharine stories. Notably, a parade of Hallyu stars...
Korean romantic films are sweet and short video treats if TV series feels exhausting at some point This list, I originally posted in May 2009. Thereafter, I constantly update it as soon as I get to watch a new romantic film. However, the romance genre saw less numbers in the...