Fans of the enigmatic actor Kang Dong Won are in for a treat. His critically acclaimed film, The Designer, is set to captivate audiences once again, this time on the streaming platform Disney+. The movie, which previously enthralled cinemagoers upon its release last May, will be available exclusively on Disney+...
Smart Ro-hee quickly gets the oddness of the situation and learns about the fate of her parents in week 2 of The Kidnapping Day. Through Hye-eun, Myeong-jun’s estranged wife, they learn about scientific research to which Ro-hee is a subject. The police and people who know the research are eager...
Things unexpectedly get awry when a man supposed to kidnap a rich family’s daughter meets the girl he was about to abduct right before his eyes in The Kidnapping Day! Mystery, drama, and comedy are the flavors that make this new drama worth watching. abbyinhallyuland watches The Kidnapping Day on...
The Kidnapping Day premieres today on Prime Video! The Kidnapping Day is based on the Korean novel of the same name, which features a clumsy kidnapper and a genius child working together as they get tangled in unexpected circumstances. There will be thrilling twists and laughs along the way as...
Starring Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, and Kim Shin Rock, this unique series will have you intrigued! The Kidnapping Day will premiere on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on September 13. Prime Video announced today that the thriller black comedy series The Kidnapping...
An all-star cast meets an iconic filmmaker in War and Revolt! Set against the chaos of war, the highly anticipated War and Revolt (WT) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the lives of two childhood friends turned adversaries. Starring Kang Dong Won as the formidable Cheon-young and Park Jung...
Detective Kim Taekrok returns for an explosive second season that sees the veteran police officer uncover a criminal conspiracy that goes deeper than anyone can imagine in Shadow Detective Season 2. After a stunning first season that had fans theorizing around the clock about the identity of the “Friend”, Detective...
Netflix announces Yoo Ah In will step down and Kim Sung Cheol will take his place in Hellbound 2. Hellbound traverses the supernatural events caused by otherworldly beings who appear out of nowhere to issue a decree and condemn individuals to hell. It causes mayhem enabling the religious group The...
Scheduled to be broadcast in the second half of 2023, ENA’s original drama Day of Kidnapping affirmed the actors headlining the series. Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, Yuna, Kim Shin Rok, Kim Sang Ho, Seo Jae Hee, and Kang Young Seok are set to decorate their new K-Drama characters...
Ending with the highest viewership rating in 2022, Reborn Rich imparts a gripping story filled with twists. Watching a protagonist fight his way through adversities has been surely worth anticipating, evident in its finale’s high rating of 30.1% in the metropolitan area. Being born rich is like a miracle, but...