The main characters of Divorce Attorney Shin bid goodbye to their characters in the series. They also express feeling grateful for the experience of being part of the team. Before the final episode on April 9, Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung gave...
JTBC’s eagerly-awaited series, Divorce Attorney Shin is all set to premiere on March 4. Continuing its engrossing promotional pitches so far, the series drops the group and character posters of the lead stars. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played...
Kim Sung Kyun raises anticipation as a nagging and competent law office secretary, Jang Hyung-geun, in Divorce Attorney Shin! Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage and brings back...
Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung are set to decorate the eagerly-awaited JTBC series, Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes...
Father Hae Il has gone through a lot to prove his mentor’s innocence. The Fiery Priest took on a darker route towards the latter part but ended lightly. Father Kim Hae Il’s quest was exacting, but along the way, he gained allies and earned their respect. With their help, they...
The lauded Netflix series which impressed local and global viewers shares an update piquing more interest. Returning for its second season, D.P. introduces new faces and the continuation of unfinished business. D.P. Season 2 picks up with the initial premise of Deserter Pursuit Unit members An Jun-ho (Jung Hae In)...
All those years of tracking the evasive founder of “grid” seemingly paid off. But there’s more to her ambiguous nature and goal. Alliances and desperation abound in the last two episodes of Grid. It appears that the “ghost” is also keeping tabs on Sae-ha. Moreover, the power struggle in Administration...
Kim Sae-ha proceeds with his dangerous mission in Grid and finds an ally with Jung Sae-byeok. However, Sae-byeok earns the ire of the Administration Bureau. It is also revealed that she is Eo-jin’s ex-wife. The latest episodes also raise the question as to why the “ghost” killed Sae-ha’s adopted father....
In charge to search “the woman who vanished after saving the world”, the Administrative Bureau Office has finally scored a huge development in the second episode of Grid. However, the fruit of their hard labor might be picked by another team as they were excluded from the investigation. Detective Jung...
Commencing its intriguing run, Grid hooks with complexly deliberated characters that will move in the story. Integrating sci-fi elements, police involvement and a cryptic organization – the series launched quite an enigmatic premise. abbyinhallyuland watches Grid on Disney+ Opening Week Rating: Grid Opening Week Story In flashback, the story narrates...