Fantasy and reality are blended well in the narratives of 2013 Korean dramas. With character-driven plot predominantly present in 2013 Korean dramas, a few iconic K-Drama characters are also featured. Additionally, some classic favorites powered by top-tier actors also aired this season. *Note: The quick review entries are from my...
Notching an average nationwide viewership rating of 16.1% according to Nielsen, the romantic-comedy in a way achieved a feat that is rare to happen in a network famous for historical productions. Incidentally, My Princess is one of the few romance-themed dramas that joined the network’s classic favorites’ roster that includes Princess Hours, My...
Korean romantic films are sweet and short video treats if TV series feels exhausting at some point This list, I originally posted in May 2009. Thereafter, I constantly update it as soon as I get to watch a new romantic film. However, the romance genre saw less numbers in the...