Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born promises a captivating tale of ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of dreams. Disney+ is set to debut Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born on October 12, a highly anticipated Korean series that brings to life the inspiring story of a young girl’s quest to dominate the...
Set in the 1950s, Jeongnyeon The Star is Born offers a glimpse into the vibrant world of gugak, a traditional Korean musical form. The series follows the inspiring journey of Yoon Jeong-nyeon, a young woman with an extraordinary talent for singing. Born into a humble family in Mokpo, Jeongnyeon dreams...
tvN’s upcoming weekend drama Jeongnyeon The Star is Born has revealed its first two posters, set against the evocative backdrop of a national theater troupe. Jeongnyeon The Star is Born is a drama that explores the fierce competition, solidarity, and vibrant growth of Jeongnyeon, a naturally gifted vocalist striving to...
Promising a fresh breeze of laughter and romance in April, Shooting Stars releases photos of its first script reading session. Upcoming tvN drama Shooting Stars is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of people who clean up the mess of stars. Focusing the spotlight on managers, PR teams, reporters,...
Netflix announces the confirmed lead cast for Goodbye Earth. Grabbing attention with the collaboration of director Kim Jin Min of My Name and Extracurricular and writer Jeong Seong Ju, which will undoubtedly be a work worth anticipating for the series. Goodbye Earth tells the story of people living in a world in...