Han Sun Hwa takes on the role of a “mini sister” who safeguards the innocence of both children and adults in My Sweet Mobster. JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama premieres on June 12. It explores the unexpected romance between Seo Ji-hwan (played by Uhm Tae Goo), who has come to terms...
ONE TV Asia, the premier destination for Korean entertainment, is excited to announce the highly anticipated premiere of the new crime thriller Connection on Saturday, May 25th, at 9:45 PM, airing within 24 hours of its South Korean broadcast. This gripping series is set to spice up Saturday nights with...
More details about Connection are revealed in latest teaser! Ji Sung, Jeon Mi Do, Kwon Yul, and Kim Kyung Nam have unexpectedly unveiled a ‘group poster’ raising anticipation from fans. SBS’s new Friday-Saturday drama Connection, premiering at 10 PM on May 24th, follows an ace narcotics detective who is forcibly...
Uhm Tae Goo is diving into the romance genre with his new role. JTBC’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama My Sweet Mobster, premiering on June 12, centers on Seo Ji-hwan who ended his past as a gangster boss and returned as the CEO of the social enterprise. Ji-hwan is a character who...
JTBC’s new drama is a romance filled with twists and turns and excitement between a man who has come to terms with his dark past, and a woman who is fond of children. In My Sweet Mobster, Uhm Tae Goo takes on the role of Seo Ji-hwan, who has put...
K-PLUS is excited to launch Longing for You this July, within 24 hours of Korea! Longing for You is a 14-episode mystery thriller starring Na In Woo (Mr. Queen, River Where The Moon Rises, Jinxed at First, Cleaning Up), Kim Ji Eun (One Dollar Lawyer, Again My Life, Strangers From...
ENA’s new midweek drama is all set for its enthralling story. Longing For You is about a detective who is chasing the true culprit of a murder case, inevitably confronting the family’s hidden secrets and desires. Depicting the pursuit of truth, the series stars Na In Woo, Kim Ji Eun,...
Moo-kyeol confronts the harsh reality that his three gold medals do not mean a thing when he hit rock bottom in the 4th week of Mental Coach Jegal. Just as Ga-eul sincerely welcomes the treatment she needs; Coach Jegal, unfortunately, has to halt his sessions with her. abbyinhallyuland watches Mental...
A treasure trove of ruminative messages about mental health, Mental Coach Jegal keeps its spirited run to inspire in acknowledging inner pains. For people who are emotionally weary of the pressure and stress coming from career and life; you might need doses of encouraging words from this series. abbyinhallyuland watches...
Brimming with mental health lessons, Mental Coach Jegal continues to maneuver the struggles of national athletes to the program and the expectations set for them. A new character is also introduced related to Ga-eul. No Medal Club closely monitors the case involving Coach Oh while Je-gal and Tae-man settle for...