Netflix’s highly anticipated second season of Squid Game has released thrilling teasers, offering a glimpse into the intense and thrilling world of the deadly survival game. Fans can look forward to the return of Lee Jung Jae as Gi-hun, who re-enters the deadly games seeking revenge, setting up a tense...
Han Ga-ram, the writer of the upcoming Genie TV original drama Dear Hyeri has expressed her enthusiasm about the dynamic chemistry between the lead actors, Shin Hye Sun and Lee Jin Wook. The highly anticipated series, set to premiere on the 23rd, presents a touching romance centered on announcer Eun-ho,...
New additions to the already addicting summer K-Drama slate will make fans even more busy this month in the featured stories of September 2024 Korean Dramas! Park Shin Hye takes the highly successful SBS Friday-Saturday baton for her small-screen comeback. A couple of contrasting love stories are set to join...
Promising a fiery reunion between ex-lovers, Dear Hyeri delves into the complexities of a relationship that has been strained by time and unresolved issues. Set to premiere on September 23rd, the complex and turbulent relationship between ex-lovers Shin Hye Sun and Lee Jin Wook takes center stage. The show introduces...
Genie TV’s upcoming original series, To My Haeri, has unveiled its first teaser poster, promising a heartwarming romantic comedy. Directed by Jung Ji-hyun, known for hits like Twenty Five, Twenty One, and written by Han Ga-ram of When the Weather Is Fine, the drama features a star-studded cast including Shin...
The star-studded Genie TV original drama To My Haeri is set to premiere in September. 나의 해리에게 To My Haeri (LT) features a premise exploring psychological depth and romantic tension. The drama revolves around the complex romance between an announcer, Eun-ho, who develops a new personality, and her ex-boyfriend, Hyun-oh,...
The global phenomenon that gripped audiences with its high-stakes survival games is set to make a comeback! Netflix has announced that Season 2 of Squid Game is set to premiere on December 26, 2024, with the final season slated for 2025. This news was shared with fans worldwide through a...
The stakes have never been higher in the new trailer for Sweet Home 3! Buckle up for a terrifying battleground where the lines are blurring. The trailer opens with a chilling line from Hyun-su’s monstrous side, leaving fans to question his fate. Will he succumb to the darkness or maintain...
The teaser trailer for Sweet Home Season 3 plunges fans back into a world where survivors teeter between monstrous and human realms, facing their most challenging decisions yet. With their stadium safehouse compromised and new threats on the horizon, the stakes have never been higher. The season’s poster, featuring Hyun-su...
Prepare for a thrilling summer as Netflix announces the return of Sweet Home for its third season on July 19, bringing the epic series to a dramatic conclusion! Since its debut, the apocalyptic horror series has captivated audiences worldwide. Season 1 introduced viewers to a terrifying world of monsters, making...