Prepare for a thrilling summer as Netflix announces the return of Sweet Home for its third season on July 19, bringing the epic series to a dramatic conclusion! Since its debut, the apocalyptic horror series has captivated audiences worldwide. Season 1 introduced viewers to a terrifying world of monsters, making...
Genie TV’s upcoming original series, To My Haeri, has confirmed its programming for the latter half of 2024, along with the casting of Shin Hye Sun and Lee Jin Wook. Directed by Jung Ji-hyun and written by Heo Seok-won and Han Garam, To My Haeri (LT) follows the story of...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
Acquainting viewers about the world and various human groups that the surviving Green Home residents will encounter outside, Netflix releases new stills heightening the interest of the viewers. In a world where desire turns monstrous, Sweet Home Season 2 follows Green Home survivors and Hyun-su all fighting to survive in...
Netflix has released the main trailer for Sweet Home Season 2, featuring a powerful story set in an expanding world and introducing a diverse array of characters. In a world where desire turns monstrous, Sweet Home Season 2 follows Green Home survivors and Hyun-su all fighting to survive in new...
Posters and stills of the main characters of Sweet Home Season 2 have been released by Netflix. In a world where desire turns monstrous, Sweet Home Season 2 follows Green Home survivors and Hyun-su all fighting to survive in new places, while otherworldly beings and mysterious phenomena emerge. Teasing fans...
Netflix has unveiled the teaser poster for Sweet Home Season 2! In a world where desire turns monstrous, Sweet Home Season 2 follows Green Home survivors and Hyun-su all fighting to survive in new places, while otherworldly beings and mysterious phenomena emerge. In the teaser poster, Hyun-su is featured spreading...
Sweet Home is set to return for its second season on December 1. In a world where desire turns monstrous, Sweet Home Season 2 follows Green Home survivors and Hyun-su each fighting to survive in new places, while other beings and mysterious phenomena emerge. After the horror and suspense of...
Squid Game Season 2 is going all out with its announced superb cast and fans are in for a treat! Previously, the hit Netflix series revealed returning and new characters in a teaser video. The series announced that stars Lee Jung Jae, Lee Byung Hun, Wi Ha Jun, and Gong...
Serving like a guidebook to marriage preparations, Welcome to Wedding Hell pictures the honest struggles of getting married. Marriage is a joyous event, but its preparations are not always full of bliss. Offering you a realistic preview of what couples go through before marriage, the drama distinguishes the difference between...