But is it really a sweet home? Or will we be treated with an enthralling story that will blow our minds away? This December, Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, announced that the new thriller Korean original series Sweet Home will launch globally on December 18. Esteemed K-drama director...
Adding to the lively roster of K-Dramas on Netflix are two equally enthralling series that will start solving crimes next month! Currently, interesting dramas are emerging as fan favorites like Private Lives, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol and Start-Up. But there’s even more to look forward to in...
Solid heroes versus villains showdowns enthralled the engrossing stride of Voice 2. Continuing the success of its predecessor, Voice 2 enabled an opportunity for OCN network to push for plans to expand the story in multiple seasons. Leaving the viewers on a thrilling cliff-hanger at the finale episode of Voice...
Warmth literally emanates in the released photos of Lee Jin Wook for endorsing fashion brand Edition Sensibility! The photos for the men’s wear autumn pictorial of the clothing brand show the actor in relaxed smile and soothing mood. Taking the concept, 5 Ideas for AUTUMN and WINTER, the pictorial highlights...