Be ready to sweat and swoon in KBS2 TV’s new series, 24 Hour Gym! 24 Hour Gym (LT) is a coming-of-age romance that follows the unconventional journey of a hardcore gym manager who helps a group of fitness newbies overcome their worries and discover themselves. Expect plenty of laughs and...
Lee Jun Young captivates audiences as Moon Cha-min, an 8th-generation chaebol riding a white horse, in the upcoming TVING original series Dreaming of Freaking Fairytale. Premiering on May 31, this romantic comedy follows a woman who, after hitting rock bottom, decides to become Cinderella. She meets a chaebol prince who...
The members of Kang family maneuver devious acts to claim the highest power of the family business in the 2nd week of The Impossible Heir! Meanwhile, Tae-oh and In-ha begin their ultimate mission to claim Kangoh Group. abbyinhallyuland watches The Impossible Heir on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 |...
Two friends make a long-term conspiration to achieve unimaginable wealth and power in The Impossible Heir. This new Disney+ series stars Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young and Hong Su Zu. abbyinhallyuland watches The Impossible Heir on Disney+ Opening Week Rating: Watch The Impossible Heir HERE The Impossible Heir Opening...
The lead stars of Disney+ new original series share thoughts about their characters at a recent gathering with the series director. The Impossible Heir threads on how the illegitimate son of a Korean conglomerate owner partners with his ambitious childhood friend who stops at nothing to seize their place at...
Portraying Kang In-ha, the actor is set to present a character where good and evil coexist. The Impossible Heir threads on how the illegitimate son of a Korean conglomerate owner partners with his ambitious childhood friend who stops at nothing to seize their place at the top of the societal...
Top-billed by Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young and Hong Su Zu, this upcoming series features suspense, drama, revenge, retribution and more. When the illegitimate son of a Korean conglomerate owner partners with his ambitious childhood friend, the duo will stop at nothing to seize their place at the top...
Badland Hunters emerges as a cinematic spectacle, showcasing a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a cataclysmic earthquake. This action-packed thriller, set in a dystopian landscape where chaos reigns supreme, promises to captivate audiences with its visual effects and fast-paced narrative. Central to this high-octane adventure is the acclaimed Korean action star,...
Disney+ confirms the lead cast of its upcoming series, Royal Loader. The Impossible Heir threads on the illegitimate son of a Korean conglomerate owner partners with his ambitious childhood friend who stops at nothing to seize their place at the top of the societal food chain. Recently, Lee Jae Wook...
Big names, thrilling action, and spectacular scenes are expected to color Badland Hunters! Netflix has greenlit the production of the upcoming blockbuster Badland Hunters featuring Don Lee, the iconic figure celebrated for his roles in monumental titles such as Train to Busan, The Roundup, and Marvel’s Eternals. The story unfolds...