Disney+’s original series The Light Shop Keeper unveiled two teaser posters and a teaser trailer. Light Shop Keeper is an adaptation of the popular webtoon by Kangfull, who also adapted the series for television. The story follows these six individuals, each grappling with a traumatic event from their past that...
The highly anticipated supernatural mystery series Light Shop Keeper, created by the mind behind Moving, is slated to debut exclusively on Disney+ on December 4. This eight-part series features an impressive ensemble cast, including Ju Ji Hoon (Blood Free, Kingdom), Lee Jung Eun (Parasite), and Park Bo Young (Strong Girl...
The Frog is poised to be a gripping psychological thriller that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The newly unveiled trailer offers a chilling glimpse into a world where normalcy is shattered by unexpected darkness. The trailer begins with a foreboding voiceover, setting the tone with the...
Our fantasy tale of double identities and secret investigations has come to an end. It might have unfolded differently from what we had in mind. But it still had its good moments. Giving us a belated happy ending and a parting message to cherish our youth, and not take it...
Premiering on August 23, The Frog promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and chilling atmosphere. The Frog follows a group of ordinary people whose tranquil lives are disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious guest. Leading the cast is seasoned actor Kim...
Netflix is set to unleash a new wave of terror with its upcoming Korean suspense thriller, The Frog. Premiering on August 23, the series promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and chilling atmosphere. Directed by Mo Wan-il, the mastermind behind the critically...
Get ready for a heartwarming (and slightly horrifying) tale of fatherly love in Zombie Daughter (WT)! This upcoming film has just locked down a cast that’s practically perfect in every way. Based on a popular webtoon, the story follows a devoted dad named Jung-hwan, played by the amazing Jo Jung...
At day, she is a capable middle-aged office worker. But at night, she is a young woman trying to have some fun and find a solution to her body-swapping dilemma. Will our heroine succeed in keeping her dual identity a secret? Or will she get caught by our sharp male...
Actors Lee Jung Eun and Jung Eun Ji may differ in age, but they share a passionate dedication to their characters. The dynamic duo depicts a character living a double life in Miss Night and Day, set to captivate viewers on Saturdays and Sundays. On the afternoon of the 13th,...
Choi Jin Hyuk experiences a strange sense of déjà vu between Lee Jung Eun and Jung Eun Ji in the upcoming JTBC weekend drama Miss Night and Day. Premiering on June 15th, Miss Day and Night is a bittersweet romantic comedy that follows the unusual journey of a job seeker...