With its first two episodes, Shooting Stars exposes the reality of what’s happening behind the curtains of fame and popularity. Lee Sung Kyung and Kim Young Dae both work in the entertainment industry, with Young Dae posing as the top actor in the agency. Meanwhile, Sung Kyung is the head of the...
Premiering on April 22, Shooting Stars held a production presentation online with its gleaming casts! The drama depicts the stories of the people behind the entertainment industry, which includes PRs, managers, and writers who are also responsible for cleaning the mess of their stars. Lee Sung Kyung portrays Oh Han-Byul, the...
Decked for April 22 release, Shooting Stars has begun to roll out exciting teasers for awaiting viewers! Shooting Stars is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of people who clean up the mess of stars. Focusing the light on managers, PR teams, reporters, who are at the forefront of...
Promising a fresh breeze of laughter and romance in April, Shooting Stars releases photos of its first script reading session. Upcoming tvN drama Shooting Stars is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of people who clean up the mess of stars. Focusing the spotlight on managers, PR teams, reporters,...