Buckle up, thrill-seekers! This summer, Disney+ serves up a killer Korean action flick – NO WAY OUT: The Roulette! Justice or jackpot? That’s the question facing ordinary citizens when Korea’s most hated criminal, Kim Gukho, walks free after a 13-year stint behind bars. Outraged by his release, a mysterious figure...
The upcoming mystery thriller drama No Way Out: The Roulette, features a star-studded cast including Cho Jin Woong, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol, Yeom Jung Ah, Sung Yu Bin, Heo Gwang Han, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kim Sung Chul, has confirmed its release date for July 31st. The drama...
Joining the powerhouse cast are Lee Hee Joon, Kim Sung Kyun, Gong Seung Yeon and Lee Kwang Soo. In Karma (WT), disparate lives intertwine under the ominous shadow of an unbreakable fate. The story revolves around a witness to an accident, a physician traumatized by nightmares, a man whose world...
Lee Sun Kyun, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol and Lee Kwang Soo have confirmed their appearances in the mystery thriller drama. Named Payback, the series deals with the confrontation between ‘those who want to kill’ and ‘those who want to survive’ in the middle of a public murder contract....
Launching with a three-episode premiere, season two features new challenges, more hijinks than ever before, and the return of beloved hosts Yoo Jae Suk Lee Kwang Soo and Kwon Yuri. After a hilarious first season that saw hosts Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Kwang Soo and Kwon Yuri struggle to complete...
Swift and zippy, The Killer’s Shopping List is an eight-episode series of fun, thrill and pleasant memories! In collaboration with iQIYI, we had a chance to interview the lead cast Lee Kwang Soo and Seolhyun through email. They share insights about their characters and filming experience. The Killer’s Shopping List...
The comedic approach of The Killer’s Shopping List brings out a fresh and dramatic outcome as it indulges in mystery and investigative genre. The Killer’s Shopping List began its narrative in the year 1996 wherein it shows the history of DS Supermart which was Dae-Sung Mart back then. It showed and...
Starring Lee Kwang Soo, Kim Seolhyun & Jin Hee Kyung, The Killer’s Shopping List is an investigative comedy about an ordinary neighborhood in the outskirts of Seoul. To run for eight episodes, the mystery-comedy series is based on the novel of the same name by Kang Ji-young. When a mysterious body...
Crime, comedy, thriller and romance are what’s in store for viewers in the new K-Dramas on Viu launching this month! As covid restrictions ease, it’s the perfect time to get your friends and family together for a watch party and get hooked on all the latest releases on Viu. BOARD...
Lee Kwang Soo, Seolhyun and Jin Hee Kyung embark on a journey as neighborhood “supermarket heroes” in The Killer’s Shopping List! Positioned to premiere on tvN’s midweek slot, the series airs its first episode on April 27. In this new drama, a mart manager, a cashier and a police officer...