The fashion industry seems to have a different level of competition, and The Fabulous reveals a roller coaster ride of emotional events. Directed by Kim Jeong Hyeon and written by Kim Ji Hee and Im Jin Sun, The Fabulous features a narrative of steering work, life, and relationships in a...
Capturing the “backstage” behind the “glamour” of the fashion industry, The Fabulous threads on a story of dreams, love, and friendship. Set to premiere on December 23, The Fabulous stars Chae Soo Bin, Choi Minho, Lee Sang Woon, and Park Hee Jung. They portray four friends who ignite their passion...
Netflix gives a peek at the dazzling lead stars that would navigate the vibrant and thriving fashion industry in The Fabulous! Upcoming Netflix series The Fabulous will be reaching out to global fans on November 4! Depicting the story of young people in their 30’s thriving vibrantly in the colorful...