Shin Min Ah is set to deliver a spicy romantic comedy in the upcoming series No Gain, No Love! The tvN X TVING original drama, written by Kim Hye-young, directed by Kim Jung-sik, and produced by CJ ENM STUDIOS and Bon Factory, is scheduled to premiere on August 26. The...
JTBC’s highly anticipated drama, Good Boy, has unveiled a powerhouse cast that promises an action-packed and thrilling ride. Good Boy (directed by Shim Na-yeon, written by Lee Dae-il, and produced by SLL, Studio & New, and Drama House Studio) is a comic action investigative drama about medalists who become police...
Prime Video just announced a brand new series that’s sure to tickle your funny bone and melt your heart – No Gain No Love premieres on August 26th! Leading the charge is the undisputed queen of rom-com herself, Shin Min Ah. Fresh off her success in Our Blues, she takes...
Do-hee confronts the anguish caused by Madam Ju’s death as Gu-won accepts he needs to be always close to Do-hee in the second week of My Demon. Appointed as the new chairman, Do-hee needs to get married so she can have the power to unravel Madam Ju’s cryptic death. abbyinhallyuland...
A staple place highlighted in Korean dramas and popular Seoul travel spots, viewers can get a quick trip and deeper knowledge of the famous water source in Han River Police. Aside from that, the veteran and reliable talented actors breathe life into interesting characters in charge of safeguarding the Han...
Han River Police team has completed preparations and is gearing up for dispatch on September 13. Disney+ new original series, Han River Police held its production presentation on the morning of September 12. Director Kim Sang-cheol and actors Kwon Sang Woo, Kim Hee Won, Lee Sang Yi, Bae Da Bin,...
Set along one of Seoul’s most beloved destinations, Han River Police combines action, humor and criminal intrigue to deliver a hilarious new take on crime dramas. When a hardworking and hot-tempered police officer gets partnered with a lackadaisical lay-about, the mismatched duo will be thrown into the deep end when...
Three new Korean dramas are going to launch on Netflix next month! Romance and thrilling stories are featured in June 2023 K-Dramas on Netflix! In case you missed it, Doctor Cha and The Good Bad Mother are currently streaming on the platform offering superb career, relationship and life lessons. Bloodhounds...
In BLOODHOUNDS, good goes head-to-head with evil in an epic showdown! Bloodhounds is a story about two young people who step into the world of loan sharks in pursuit of money and get caught up in a web of much darker forces. After his perfect performance in a dual role...
Revealing intense action, Netflix series Bloodhounds released the main poster and first trailer which foreshadows uncanny chemistry from its committed actors. Bloodhounds is a story about two young people who step into the world of loan sharks in pursuit of money and get caught up in a web of much...