The eight-episode drama One Ordinary Day held its script-reading, together with actors Kim Soo Hyun, Cha Seung Won, Lee Seol, and Kim Sung Kyu. Directed by Lee Myung Yoo and written by Kwon Soon Gyu, the mystery law drama One Ordinary Day delves into the criminal justice system involving two men who investigate a...
Lauded actors Kim Soo Hyun and Cha Seung Won steer the prominent cast of One Ordinary Day. Viu, PCCW’s leading pan-regional OTT video streaming service, announces that the highly anticipated Korean crime-thriller drama, One Ordinary Day, will be exclusively available on its platform. After announcing a series of high profile Viu Korean Original series like Lovers of The...
Waiting for Rain delivers comforting messages that miracles do come true for those who wait despite the test of time. In the year 2011, Young-ho (Kang Ha Neul) waits for rain on the last day of the year even though he is aware of the low probability that it will...