Multi-talented Lee Seung Gi – is such a rare artist with a wide range of skills that seemingly just keeps on growing! Currently, the actor stars in tvN’s seasonal travel variety show, Hometown Flex with Cha Tae Hyun. His Netflix venture with Jasper Liu, Twogether, has been receiving loved from...
Newly-formed travel duo, Cha Tae Hyun and Lee Seung Gi, began their adventure in Hometown Flex! Born and raised in Seoul, the two all-rounder artists get to visit different hometowns in South Korea, and fans couldn’t be any luckier to join them in the fun! Hometown Flex takes the concept...
Netflix has gifted fans with a travel variety show with Asian stars Jasper Liu and Lee Seung Gi in Twogether. The show has been on the top 10 Netflix video ranking in the world a week after its release. Twogether aims for the two Asian actors to meet and visit...
Good news for Lee Seung Gi’s Airens and Cha Tae Hyun fans! The two all-rounder actors are set to embark on a travel-themed variety show concept for tvN’s Hometown Flex. The show reunites them with PD Yoo Ho Jin. What’s the connection between the three? They were all in 2...