SBS new series is gearing up to become the next big youth romance sensation featuring a story of passion, music, and self-discovery. Spring of Youth (LT) is a coming-of-age drama follows Sa-gye, a K-pop superstar unexpectedly thrust into the chaos of college life after a career-altering incident. Think the infectious...
With undying love that transcends timelines, a relentless will to protect each other, and much-appreciated help from a kind-hearted variable, our leads could finally break the ill-fated cycle and rewrite their happy ending. It wasn’t the slightest bit easy to get there, though. At least, we got no one sacrificed...
Going around in circles is the keyword this week. Even after seeing how her actions brought on a crueler fate, our devoted heroine is still set on dealing with everything on her own. If erasing herself from his life means keeping her beloved idol safe, our heroine will gladly bear...
Romance is in the air with our leads following their hearts and dating to their hearts’ content. Their time together might be limited, but our leads will make every moment count. It all ends on a sour note, though after our resident psychopath rears his ugly head again. And one...
Being neighbors with her beloved idol sounds lucky enough. Interestingly, the idol being smitten with her sure hits differently. It is time for our heroine to get confused and rethink her emotions. Is she just a devoted fangirl, desperate to save her idol? Or did meeting his teenage version help...