In the chase of dreams and practicality, Hitman comically dives into the past life of a secret agent. Cornered to provide for one’s family, a struggling webtoon artist drunkenly unleashes his artistic talent in storytelling. Misadventure begins to knock at his family’s doors as his past life as a secret...
Wavve’s original X of Crisis features an ensemble cast of Kwon Sang Woo, Im Se Mi, Sung Dong Il, Lee Yi Kyung, Shin Hyun Soo, and Park Jin Joo. Wavve’s original comedy-drama X of Crisis has finally completed its casting lineup. It is based on an original essay loved by...
Royal Secret Agent provides an interesting story and peculiar plot about investigations on unscrupulous government officials in the Joseon era. The series traverses the story of a king-appointed detective and his crew going undercover to probe abusive acts of Joseon Era corrupt government officials. Main Cast: Kim Myungsoo, Kwon Nara,...
Ja-sung tries to earn back his lost love and the broken heart of Young-won in Monthly Magazine Home episodes 13 and 14. Even if Young-won and Ja-sung broke up, they still love each other and can’t seem to forget each other. Ja-sung realizes that he wants to fight for his...
New Korean variety show The Shade House will unveil its first episode on July 9, confirming the presence of Kim Jong Min with guest Lee Yi Kyung. If you are looking for a new entertainment program to boost your endorphins (a.k.a happy hormones), then this show will help you out....
SkyTV dropped the official poster for its newest reality show I’m SOLO, featuring the MCs Lee Yi Kyung, Jun Hyo Seong and Defconn. I’m SOLO is a dating reality show co-produced by SkyTV’s variety channels NQQ and SBS PLUS. Directed by PD Nam Kyu Hong, also known as the Master...
Welcome to Waikiki stole hearts with its adorable plot and smart comic writing! Spending time with the hilarious brotherhood of underdogs always feels like a tub of bubblewrap surrounded by singing cherubs for the faithful viewers. The impressive cast chemistry even pushed a well-deserved four-episode extension, a feat hard to...
I only have fond and happy memories to look back when I think of Welcome to Waikiki. Nothing else matters. The laughter and relief Welcome to Waikiki provided each week is tantamount to those friendship circle getaways which make your tummy aches with too much laughter by remembering the most joyful memories....
Confession Couple sweetly narrates how giving love a second chance can happen only when people in a relationship are willing to forgive and to communicate. Confession Couple sends you to a whirlwind of emotions with its pensive mood of the joys and pain of being in love. The trip back...
Sealing its jackpot cast, the movie 6/45 goals to earnestly begin filming! 6/45 is a comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind. In charge of the screenplay and helming the production is director...