Launching November 8 on Netflix, Mr. Plankton offers viewers an emotional blend of romance, comedy, and adventure. The series centers around Hae Jo, a man born from an unfortunate circumstance, and Jae-mi, a woman burdened by misfortunes, who unintentionally accompany each other on what may be Hae Jo’s final journey....
Netflix is gearing up to premiere the romantic comedy series Mr. Plankton on November 8, inviting viewers to embark on a heartwarming journey filled with adventure, laughter, and poignant moments. The series centers on the lives of Hae Jo, a man whose existence stems from a mistake, and Jae-mi, a...
Flowing happy and unbothered, Strong Girl Nam Soon solved a dangerous drug crime problem with ample hijinks on the side! Capitalizing on its signature “girl power” trademark, the series asserts a message of finding a place where you can contribute. Main Leads: Lee Yoo Mi | Ong Seong Wu | Byeon...
The penultimate week of Strong Girl Nam Soon sees an exchange of attacks between the heroes and the villain. Betrayal hits Shi-oh and he goes on a full-throttle hunt to destroy his enemies. abbyinhallyuland watched Strong Girl Nam Soon on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04...
Nam-soon and her parents work together to get the antidote for her brother in the 6th week of Strong Girl Nam Soon. Unfortunately, Hee-sik suffered emotional pain when his team leader failed to survive the effects of the lethal drug Shi-oh’s Mafia network had been distributing. abbyinhallyuland watched Strong Girl...
Uncovering more information about the dangerous drug the CEO of Doogo plans to wield for more power, Strong Girl Nam Soon went to jampacked chapters in its 4th week! Interesting love triangles also arise on the horizon. abbyinhallyuland watched Strong Girl Nam Soon on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02...
Digging for hard evidence, Nam-soon coordinates with Hee-sik as she goes undercover against Shi-oh in the 8th episode of Strong Girl Nam Soon. Her mom also busies herself decrypting the mystery of fund investor Mr. Bang. abbyinhallyuland watched Strong Girl Nam Soon on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 |...
Still posing as undercover agents, Nam-soon and Hee-sik reached not just a healthy collaboration to fight drugs, but they also come to terms with their need for each other in the 7th episode of Strong Girl Nam Soon. While Geum-ju continues her probe into the alarming drug concern, she also...
Nam-soon and Hee-sik go undercover to get more details about the alarming new drug in the 3rd week of Strong Girl Nam Soon. Geum-ju is also on the same mission and offers collaboration with her daughter. abbyinhallyuland watched Strong Girl Nam Soon on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 |...
Thanks to the help of Hee-sik, Nam-soon quickly reunites with her family in the 4th episode of Strong Girl Nam Soon. Returning to her place, Nam-soon is keen to help people in need with her strength. Thus, she joins Hee-sik in his mission of unearthing a clever and daunting drug...