Comedy-action drama Inspector Koo presents a photo teaser of Lee Young Ae looking untamed as an inspector. Directed by Lee Jung Heum, Inspector Koo is an investigative comedy-drama that tells the story of Koo Kyung (Lee Young Ae), an insurance investigator who probes a murder case. Inspector Koo is an intelligent and witty...
JTBC’s new drama Inspector Koo released its second trailer featuring Lee Young Ae’s unruly appearance. Inspector Koo, which is set to premiere on October 30, highlights Lee Young Ae’s comedic performance as a detective who wanders around suspiciously. In the newly released second teaser, a familiar voice was heard. Kang...
Far from her well-known elegant image, Lee Young Ae will be making a drastic transformation for her new drama. Portraying the role of Koo Kyung, the beautiful actress Lee Young Ae plays a brilliant insurance investigator who used to be a police officer. Engaged in games and alcohol, she lives...
The premiere actress appears shabby in character photos of her newest role as Inspector Koo. Unveiling her unprecedented transformation, Lee Young Ae powers the heroine of Inspector Koo, billed to be a chase-comedy story. For her newest role, Lee Young Ae investigates a murder case presented as a perfect crime....
In the pipeline of activities set by Keyeast, Koo Kyung and Only One Person have slated its airdate in the second half of the year! Scheduled to air on JTBC, Only One Person (LT) stars Ahn Eun Jin, Park Sung Hoon, Park Sooyoung (Red Velvet’s Joy) and Go Do Shim....
Breaking her drama hiatus after four years, Lee Young Ae suits up to an interesting role as an insurance investigator. Billed as chase-comedy genre, 구경이 Koo Kyung (LT) is slated to air in the second half of 2021. First-generation Korean wave star Lee Young Ae of Jewel in the Palace...
As we celebrate International Women’s month, we look back on some of the best Korean dramas that highlight the unwavering fortitude of a woman These Korean dramas have featured awe-inspiring female leads and their journeys to claim their inner worth alongside bringing warmth through their heartening stories. Romance Is A...