Korean Wave’s biggest stars convened at the VIP launch night of Lee Jung Jae’s directorial debut movie, Hunt. Hunt is a spy action-drama chronicling Korea’s first assassination operation where NIS agents Park Pyong-ho (Lee Jung Jae) and Kim Jeong-do (Jung Woo Sung), suspect each other in order to find the...
House of Lies launching on K-PLUS this month would give us a new kind of thrill! Starring Lim Ji-Yeon & Yoon Kyun-Sang, this is a thriller-mystery drama set in an apartment scheduled for reconstruction. It tells the story of a girl who returns to the place which she dreads the most, in search...
Transforming into a passionate and warm-hearted detective, Yoon Kyun Sang is ready to introduce Min-su in House of Lies. Portraying a detective role for House of Lies, Yoon Kyun Sang elevates his charisma for his portrayal of Min-su. He’s been working with Director Yoo Gab Yeol, Lim Ji Yeon, Son Byung...
Full of speculations, Lim Ji Yeon is all out to find the reasons behind her sister’s disappearance in her new drama Rose Mansion. Directed by Yoon Hong Seung, Rose Mansion centers around Ji-Na, who is eager to find out what happened to her sister’s disappearance. Played by Im Ji Yeon, the drama is...
A woman in pursuit of her missing sister teams up with a detective in TVING original series Rose Mansion. Lim Ji Yeon and Yoon Kyun Sang are set as the main leads of this new mystery thriller. Rose Mansion narrates the story of Ji-na (Lim Ji Yeon) who comes to...
A realistic suspense story would be highlighted in the comeback drama of Lim Ji Yeon and Yoon Kyun Sang. To be released in the first half of 2022, The Mansion is a mystery thriller about chasing the truth behind a missing woman in an apartment about to be reconstructed. Suspicious...