Ahead of the release of Netflix film, Love and Leashes, romantic teaser photos are unveiled further heightening the excitement. Love and Leashes spins the love story between a man with a unique sexual penchant and a woman who learns of his secret. With a secret binding them, their relationship moves...
Enticing with its appealing premise, it’s surely a unique Netflix movie date when Love and Leashes launches! Further entrancing anticipating viewers, Netflix unveils the official trailer featuring Lee Jun Young and Seohyun. Love and Leashes spins the love story between a man with a unique sexual penchant and a woman...
Unleashing an extraordinary sensual taste, Love and Leashes prepares to unveil a preference-respecting romance on February 11th! Netflix’s upcoming film, Love and Leashes, depicts the exhilarating, sweet-flavored romance between Ji-hoo (Lee Jun Young), who has a perfect but unusual sexual taste, and Ji-woo (Seohyun). He is a capable member of...