At the Busan International Film Festival, Netflix revealed its 2025 Korean film lineup during the “Next on Netflix: 2025 Korean Films”. Reflecting on its involvement with Korean cinema, Netflix offered an exclusive look at seven upcoming films set for release next year. Vincent Taewon Kim, Netflix Korea’s Director of Content...
Netflix has officially announced the production of Mantis, an action-packed film that centers on Mantis, a top-tier assassin who returns to the chaotic world of contract killing after taking a vacation. Upon his return, Mantis finds himself entangled in a fierce competition for supremacy, facing off against Jae-yi, a fellow...
Acclaimed actors Go Hyun Jung and Jang Dong Yoon will be teaming up for upcoming SBS drama! 사마귀 The Mantis (LT) centers around a police officer who must reluctantly collaborate with his notorious mother, a serial killer known as “Mantis,” to solve a series of copycat murders. Go Hyun Jung...