Slated to release on February 28, tvN heralds the birth of a military court action drama in Military Prosecutor Doberman. Military Inspector Doberman follows the careers of two military prosecutors, one for money and the other for vengeance. To maximize the appeal of the genre, the series blends dramatic courtroom tension...
Parading a fierce disposition, tvN unveils entrancing visuals of Ahn Bo Hyun and Jo Bo Ah in Military Prosecutor Doberman. Military Inspector Doberman chronicles the lives of two military prosecutors who pursued their careers, one for money and the other for retaliation. Moreover, to optimize the genre’s appeal, the series combines...
Romance is definitely in the air in the roster of February 2022 Korean Dramas! A slew of love stories set in modern times decorates the love month. Needless to say, K-Drama rom-com fans are in for the treat as established and popular actors are going to star in the much-awaited...