Albeit the sad and reality-biting life lessons, Miss Hammurabi is emotionally uplifting. Intelligently written and superbly acted, Miss Hammurabi thrives on warming up the viewers’ hearts despite the painful situations encompassing the myriad of relatable human disputes discussed throughout the series. Main Cast: Go Ara | Kim Myung Soo |...
2021 marks a new decade of Korean Dramas! A few days ago, I realized that 20 years’ worth of Korean dramas have taken small and significant moments of my life as a K-Drama fan. I’m not sure if I would still be a diligent fan after ten years. Hence, I...
By turns, it was a shower of healing narratives, amazing thrillers, and heart-fluttering romance stories in the selection of 2018 Korean Dramas. Hero-centric plot has been a constant fixture from the narratives which paraded this year. That has been expected given how combination of two popular actors have starred in...